Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Bathtime Bliss!!! with LUSH


Hey Ho folks!

Now I used to be the person (pre-child) who loved to take baths!  For me - relaxation was sinking into a hot, scented, sometimes oily, bubbly bath!  If there were candles - great!  If there was wine - you just try and wipe that smile off my face!  And dear husband got right on board - some nights I would arrive home to find the lights dimmed, bath filled, with the above mentioned necessities - glass of wine and book of the moment within arms reach, some soft music playing - gosh darnit the man had been even known to scatter rose petals....

And then along came bubs!  And I thought - I can still be that person who relaxes in the bath - I will just relax and jiggle baby at the same time - I had visions of these soft focus scenes of mother and child creating an unbreakable bond, the skin to skin, the songs (nursery rhymes) we (I) would sing...what a magical time bath time would be....

Poops!  There was poops!

And somewhere along the way, bathtime (for me!  I still have a clean child) was lost.  Until approximately 2224hrs last Wednesday.  No longer able to resist the delicious array of scents that wafted around my body as I passed my local Lush store I had gone in and purchased a selection of bath bombs.  Oh what a treat!  And so it was that by 2230hrs I had sunk into what can only be described as fragrance, fizz wonderland.  I was so excited to be having an 'adult' bath I kept hearing myself giggle - the 'smug' in that bathroom was palpable.  And, oh it was relaxing.  In light of the immensity of such an occasion I had chosen Lushes Twilight Bath Bomb and indeed, as Lush had promised, it was the 'gentle, reassuring hug that leaves you feeling like everything's going to be okay'.  There were whiffs of Lavender, an immersive cloud of Ylang Ylang...and GLITTER.  A very subtle shimmer in the bath water that left your skin soft, and iridescent on exiting bathtime wonderland.  That night, I slept better than I think have in a good 3 years (did I mention I have a 3 year old?) It was wonderful.  Thank you Twilight Bath Bomb and thank you Lush!

Twilight Bath Bomb

And a few other purchases of the day for me to indulge in...

Tisty Tosty Bath Bomb

Dragons Egg Bath Bomb

Blackberry Bath Bomb

So if you haven't even yet experienced the 'senses explosion' that is Lush - please do yourself a favour and have a Bomb bath!
Thanks for reading and please feel free to leave comments or recommendations!
Crystelle xx

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