Saturday 19 September 2015

5 Beautiful Truths

Hello lovely readers!

Once again, the time has got away from me and the days and weeks between blogs have exceeded what is probably considered appropriate for one attempting to make her fame and fortune one blog post at a time.  Bad blogger!!

I come to you today with, exactly as the title of this post suggests - 5 Beautiful Truths.  And they are quite simple.  You see, I have been doing a lot of reading, and listening (thank you Gretchen Rubin for that) about happiness.  The truth is, I was a strange little child when I was growing up - I was in love with words, books, poetry and quotes...In fact if one was to peruse my Pinterest boards I think you would agree that I still am.  I have in my possession about 4 A4 files filled with quotes and sayings and my own now, very hilarious writings and compliations that I started to accumulated from about the age of 9.  And out of the hundreds and hundreds of nuggets of advice that I wrote down, one always has stuck with me throughout my childhood and into my adulthood - and that is...

I love this statement.  And this leads me into the very first of my Beautiful truths.

1.  Be Happy - I have never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful...

Just to be clear here, I don't mean that being beautiful makes people happier, although this is of course true - but (a little side note here) interestingly their (the beautiful people that is) happiness levels are not increased because they are attractive, but because (and studies support this) an attractive person will tend to marry or forge relationships with equally good looking people and that also, they will do better in school, get better jobs and ultimately earn more money.  So if you were born with shall we say, fortunate genetic makeup, yes, you will be happier - but not because of your looks, but because of your increased earnings..  And there it is folks - the secret to happiness is in fact, money.

But what I am actually getting at, is that other studies have shown, despite your appearance, if you exude happiness and an enthusiasm for life, people will find you attractive.

Psychology Today printed an article on How Smiling Affects Your Brain, and cited findings by researchers in 2011 at the Face Research Laboratory (yes this place really exists) at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland that found that, basically, men and women were more attracted to images of people who made good eye contact and were smiling, than those who did not.  If you are happy, you tend to smile, and smiling also releases a whole array of fabulous neurotransmitters like dopamine, endorphins and serotonin all responsible for making you feel good.  From the physical response of lowering your heart rate and blood pressure to having an 'anti-depressant' effect on the brain.

Decades of research have found the same thing - if you plaster a big smile on your face, your mood is elevated and your stress is reduced.  The great thing is, it doesn't have to be a genuine smile - you know that saying, 'fake it til you make it' - well that applies here - you will still get the same physical and hormonal response even if your smile is not genuine.

What I am (somewhat inarticulately) trying to get at here, is that a wide, true smile will make you feel beautiful and look beautiful.

2.  Wear Sunscreen

"The long term benefits of sunscreen has been proved by scientists..."

Yes.  Yes it has.

These days there is no excuse ladies (and gents) to not wear sunscreen on a daily basis.  I didn't start to wear sunscreen under my makeup until I was probably in my mid 20s, and I live in Australia and well, what an idiot.  Pigmentation, freckles, sun spots, uneven complexion, brown spots, wrinkles and premature aging can all be significantly be reduced if you start wear sunscreen now!  I don't care if you are 45, work it into your routine, it takes an extra 30 seconds and if you are 18 work it into routine now - trust me - you won't regret it.  Educate your friends.

A famous study published in the The New England Journal of Medicine tells the story of a retired 69 year old truck driver who drove his vehicle for 28 years without wearing sunscreen.  He reportedly got sick of his grandchild always asking what was wrong with one side of his face and the pictures published are truly a great reminder of the long term effect of sun damage - the side of his face that was exposed to the Ultraviolet A rays coming through his car window, over the years, sustained incredible sun damage - to the extent that that side of his face looks almost 20 years older than the other.

 And if you are young and think this bit of advice does not apply to you.  Take a look at this..

This picture taken with a special ultra-violet camera shows that even if you can't see the sun damage - it's still there!

These days there are amazing products on the market formulated for use under makeup.  There is no excuse.  (Mother I am talking to you too...)

3.  Use serums.

Serums are to the skin like water is to a man dying of thirst.  Dramatic - yes, a little.  Exaggerated, maybe.  The Truth - oh yeah baby!

Serums are the holy grail of skin care.   They do not contain the occlusive, heavier ingredients that you might find in your moisturiser, and in fact with serums, most of the 'liquid' is eliminated altogether - but the 'beauty' of this (see what I did there...) is what you are left with is an incredibly high concentration of active ingredients.  Any good serum you buy should contain highly potent doses of anti aging goodies - peptides, anti-oxidants, skin brighteners - and without the thicker ingredients that a moisturiser may contain, that form a barrier on your skin, the active ingredients in your serum, can be more readily, absorbed and set to work.

Yes, they are more expensive, but that is because they contain a high concentration of the 'good stuff' and remember, they contain the high concentrations so you only need a small amount, which means they do last a decent amount of time.  Getting a good serum is definitely an investment worth making.  Serum it up baby!

4.  Drink water.

Uuuurghh - more common sense advice, but the research is there and what it tells us is simple - when your intake of the good old H2O is found wanting, your skin appears duller and wrinkles and pores more prominent.  When skin is hydrated it is more elastic and plump, consequently is less likely to crack and allow external particles and bacteria to get in and cause blemishes.

But let it be said, that whilst externally skin does look more aesthetically pleasing, with diminished wrinkles and fine lines, it is interesting to note that on a histopathological level, that is, when examined under a microscope - nothing has changed permanently.  Boo.  The hydrated skin just minimised their appearance. And if you were to allow yourself to become dehydrated again, your skin would show those signs of aging once more.

There was an interesting article printed in the Daily Mail about a woman who conducted her own little research and for 4 weeks drank the recommended amount of water per day and photographed some interesting results.

I challenge thee (slapping metaphorical tiny glove across your cheek) to a similar Water Challenge - can you get as dramatic results as this lady?

5.  The Power of the Brow

There are good brows...

There are bad brows...

It simply cannot be denied that defined brows make you look more polished and pulled together - and well pretty.  I have, several times, found myself off the 'beaten brow track' as it were, and currently my relationship with my brows remains somewhat tenuous.  Yes,  I admit I did wrong, I over plucked, I under plucked - but I feel I have finally found a 'Brow Artist' whom I can trust - and together we are picking up the pieces of my past brow faux pas, and with a little tint and a bit of thread - there is a glimmer of hope.

But I will say, judge not too harshly of your fellow women in arms - sometimes people just have bad brows, but sometimes, they have had cancer.  And chemo.  And through no fault of their own lost all their hair, including their eyebrows.  Be sensitive people - if you must judge harshly, do it silently.  Be nice.  Maybe that will be a special added bonus Beautiful Truth..

Bonus Beautiful Truth

(She drops the mike and walks away...)

Thanks again for taking the time to read my blog.

You can follow me on Instagram @crystellewaters
Check out my Facebook page Crystelle Clear


Crystelle xx


Sunday 23 August 2015

My ultra bright introduction to Ultraceuticals

Hello lovely readers - it feels like it has been a while - and it has been a couple of weeks since my last post - for a variety of reasons mostly involving, 'life'!  But here I am and ready and raring to divulge my latest beauty and skincare 'crushes'!

So I had a facial last week - yes - I was feeling that my skin was looking tired, and dull and I felt generally sluggish in myself and so with a few 'to hell with it' and reassuring mutterings to myself that this was another 'investment' in  myself (trust me - the best investment you can make is one in  yourself) I booked a facial with my local beauty salon.  I met the lovely Janine - a delightful young lass with an even more delightful lilting Irish accent; and I immediately felt at ease in her presence.  I had booked in for a bog standard facial, but she convinced me that Microdermabrasion was what was called for - and so, still descending into the dreamy, sing song land from whence the leprechauns are sprung, I agreed.  Now I have had microdermabrasion facials in the past, and whilst they are not unpleasant, they aren't entirely conducive to the relaxing experience that I was seeking - the machines are loud, the suction pen shooting the microdermabrasion particles onto your skin is not unlike the feeling you get when standing on the beach on a windy day and getting sand pins and needles on your legs; only on your face...but after the actual microdermabrasion and all that was as expected - then next is the facial, 'the face rubbing' - or nirvana, as I prefer to think of it.  Now at this point I have to ask, does anyone else have a tendency to 'fall in love' with the person who is administering their facials? - I mean you are laying there in a darkened room with not much clothing on, possibly candles are burning, there is soothing aromas wafting past your nostrils and with every breath in, you become more and more heady with the relaxation of it all - there is skin to skin contact,  sensual rubbing and I tell you before she has even got down to my decolletage I am fantasising about leaving my husband and small child and running away to 'facial heaven' with old 'magic hands Janine' (as she is now being referred to in my mind).  Anyone?  Come on people don't leave me hanging!

Well on this occasion, as I was just being soothed enough to start laying my strategic 'running away  groundwork ', the lovely Janine said, very gently, very soothing 'It's time for the omnilux now' - 'oh right' - apparently as part of a special for the month of August, I was to receive a complimentary 20 minute session of the said Omnilux (normally worth $85) - 'I'll just pop on these special goggles to protect your eyes; some people find the light a bit bright' says she...'Righto', says I - and there I was settling myself down, eyes closed, goggles intact, mid sentence about some banal small talk when she switched.  The light.  On....


Even with my eyes shut and the special bloody goggles on because some people 'find the light a bit bright' I felt like I had entered some sort of medieval torture chamber and that someone was forcing my eyes open and shining the light of a thousand suns into them - I could feel my eyelids  squeezing so tight together in a hopeless bid to shut out the beam of god forsaken luminosity that they were watering, and I think I managed to say, 'wow - its rather bright isn't it'...  I just wanted to escape the brightness - the incredible spotlight that was so white it was almost painful to endure, and after a few minutes of torrid eye clenching and polite stilted conversation, (as I literally couldn't concentrate on stringing a sentence together), to my absolute horror the next words to come out of that innocent little irish girls mouth was, ' so that's the warm up light for your eyes to adjust, I'll just switch the light on full now' -... before I could even think to open my mouth in protest, the light was indeed switched to full.....


It became an almost out of body experience and just when I thought that I couldn't bear it any more I suddenly realised...that I could bear it - that the unpleasantness was easing and that even though I absolutely couldn't rule out that I in fact was in the process of being abducted by an alien spacecraft I began to feel my eye muscles unclenching - the tears drying up, my body relaxing - I even started to enjoy the odd sensory experience that I was having.  It was almost like those sensory flotation tanks they have, but instead of being in complete darkness, I was residing in a world of absolute blinding (quite literally probably) brightness.  And then she started up a glorious hand/arm rub - and just like that, I forgave her  whatever omnilux deceit that had been committed and the only thing I was left thinking about was if my husband would mind if she came to live with us...probably not I decided.

And so the hour and twenty minutes ticked on by and before I knew it the light was switched off and I was gently being encouraged to take 'as long as I needed' to get clothed and get the hell out basically - and as I emerged from that room, bleary eyed, mascara still smudged under my eyes, dishevelled hair, into that bright reception area, where the delightful Janine was waiting to take my money - there existed that odd moment - the realisation that the magic is gone. - well not gone, but reserved for the sanctity of that room only and that when the bright, cold, harsh light of day is so magnificently juxtaposed alongside the dark (before omnilux), warm, gentle cocoon of that salon room - there can be only one winner - and that is why women get facials.

I left feeling rejuvenated and smooth (and not at all blind, which was a bonus because I would have bet my bottom dollar that I was never going to see properly again) and with a nice little Ultraceuticals shopping bag in tow - yay.  And here we arrive at the what was the main purpose of this post, but I concede I did go off piste a little.

I have been using Ultraceuticals for the past week and have been loving them - and I don't know if it was the facial, the omnilux (shudders) or the new skin care products, but my skin hasn't felt this good in a long time.

See below for products that I have been using...

Ultra Balancing Gel Cleanser

Ultra Balancing Gel Cleanser $49

So this cleanser is amazing and I will be very sad when my sample runs out.  It is best suited for normal to oily complexions, so if you suffer from dry or sensitive skin types then use with some caution.  Why?  Because foam cleansers can exacerbate these skin conditions.  For me, though, it is a really effective low foaming cleanser and thoroughly cleans my skin without stripping it of it's moisture.  It also has some great antioxidant ingredients and is enriched with Vitamin E and green tea extract.  And yes, it is expensive and I have said a few times in other posts that when it comes to cleanser I do tend to not spend too much, but I will say, that you only need a small 5 cent piece amount on your hand, if that, and so for the  money, you will get duration.

Ultra Hydrating Lotion

Ultra Hydrating Lotion $72

This is a great moisturiser if you find that you suffer from oily or combination skin - it absorbs so quickly, is non greasy and just feels really calming on the skin.  I have been using the Ultra Hydrating Lotion in the evening in conjunction with my B2 Serum and I have been waking in the morning with such smooth, hydrated skin - I really really like this product.

Ultra UV Protective Daily Moisturiser SPF 30

Ultra UV Protective Daily Moisturise SPF 30 $69

I wear a SPF 30 moisturiser every single day.  Even if it's raining and overcast, even if I know that I will be driving to work in the dark, working in a building and then driving home again with minimal exposure to the sun light.  I really, truly believe that sun exposure is the worst thing you can do for your skin (the long term term benefits of sunscreen has been proved by scientists..)  Now I have been loving and touting the glories of my Mecca Cosmetica To Save Face hydrating lotion SPF 30, but I have to say - Ultraceuticals are pushing the boundaries of my devotion.  Now this may sound silly, but I felt kinda bad even trying a different SPF, because I have been so impressed and happy with my Mecca -  I felt like I was going 'behind its back'... but you know what....this incredible formula is not only fast absorbing, it is a SPF 30 broad spectrum sunscreen that will protect the skin from UVA and UVB rays as well as those free radicals that can cause premature aging.  It also has an amazing blend of moisturising agents like shea butter to keep the skin looking supple and improving the appearance of fine lines and uneven texture.  And this particular formula, is mattifying.  Again you only need a small amount and it goes a long way - it doesn't leave any white mask effect and is fantastic as a base for makeup.  Get it.

Ultra B2 Hydrating Serum

Ultra B2 Hydrating Serum $85
And last but not least the Ultra B2 Hydrating Serum.  This serum, whether on it's own or as a collective effort with the other products, has made my skin feel supple and healthy.  It has a double dose of Vitamin B to double the hydrating benefits and it is soothing and refreshing.  Containing Provitamin B5 an anti-inflammatory to help with tissue repair, Vitamin B3 to improve the lipid barrier function and combine those two with hyaluronic acid - one of my favourite skin care ingredients to help improve the water retention capacity of the skin and you quite simply, have a winner.  And that is the thing that I have really admired and been impressed with Ultraceuticals is that is simple skin care that does work.

So if you haven't already tried any of Ultraceuticals incredible product range, I do urge you to do so.  You won't be disappointed.

Thanks once again for reading.  Until next our next close encounter...

Crystelle xx

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Aesops Fables?

Do you remember reading Aesops Fables as a child?  I do!  The Tortoise and the Hare, The Lion and the Mouse, The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse...You just can't beat a story with a moral!  But fear not, I do not intend to present you with a rundown of a variety of literary interpretations of a famous Greek storyteller (sigh, if only).  No the moral of this 'story' is far more beauty orientated and does in fact involve the delectable skin care and beauty experts at Aesop.

Originally established in Melbourne, Australia, the Aesop brand now has offices and stores in New York, London, Paris, Tokyo and Hong Kong - and with their plant based beauty and skin care products, their understated and classic packaging and their ever so inviting storefronts, Aesop does seem to be wooing all who glance their way - exuding something that we are all chasing - a simpler beauty ethos and perhaps therefore by default - a simpler way of life? (and the eyes being rolled echoed around the world) .  In fact, their entire approach to their business undertakings is rather enchanting - each of their stores has been carefully thought out in terms of its placement, it's architecture and design, and it's impact on pre existing structures.  Their New York store utilises reclaimed copies of the New York Times as primary construction materials; their Paris store repurposed 427 polished discs conventionally used to close plumbing pipes, instead installed into the walls for them to display their products.  From the ground up, Aesop, in it's entirety, does feel like a work of art.

Which brings me to (drum roll) my top favourite Aesop products (to be fair these are the only Aesop products I have thus tried, but they have all be fabulous, and well - you get my drift).

1.  Aesop Amazing Face Cleanser

Aesop Amazing Face Cleanser $49.00
This is what started my Aesop fascination and normally I wouldn't spend this much on a cleanser (the price above is for 200ml), but I had heard such great things about this particular product that I thought I would splash out.  It is for oily and combination skin and the great thing about this cleanser is that it is a concentrated formula, so you only need a really small amount; and it is low foaming.  It's citrus and botanical ingredient base is great for thoroughly cleansing the skin whilst also absorbing any excess sebum (oil) from the skin's surface.  The scent took me a bit of getting used to, but now that I am familiar with it - I really enjoy the smell - am not quite sure why this has a very pleasing mandarin base with hints of the ylang ylang and lavender.

2.  Aesop Parsley Seed Anti-Oxidant Hydrator

Aesop Parsley Seed Anti-Oxidant Hydrator $63.00
A lot of the Aesop range state that they are great if you live in polluted, urban environments or hot, humid climates, which is actually covers a decent size target audience (clever Aesop) and the Parsley Seed Range is no exception.  Key ingredients being parsley seed, white tea, willow herb and panthenol which strengthen the skin against those urban and environmental elements we were talking about and leave it feeling smooth and, well - moisturised...soft and supple.  Sadly I am almost out of my sample sachet stash of this one and may have to procure further supplies.

3.  Aesop Purifying Facial Exfoliant Paste

Aesop Purifying Facial Exfoliant Paste $51.00
This fabulous cream based formula contains very fine river bed quartz that helps get rid of any dead skin cells 'physically' but - also has one of my favourite skin care ingredients - lactic acid - offering that bit of chemical exfoliation - leaving your skin so polished and soft you will want to use it every day!  But don't!!  You should only exfoliate once or twice a week, as tempting as it may be with a product like this - If you over exfoliate you can potentially hyper stimulate the skin cells, making your skin oily and prone to break outs.

So let me leave you with this little tidbit - your very own 'Aesop fable' if you will - Your skin care routine need not be complicated and chaotic in fact...

'Order and simplification are the first steps toward the mastery of a subject.' Thomas Mann

Until next time, thanks very much for reading!

Crystelle xx

Follow me on Instagram @crystellewaters

Wednesday 22 July 2015

And the 'Eyes' have it...Top 5 Eye cream countdown...

Well it finally happened - the last of my Clinique Laserwear Eye cream tub was scraped clean the other night and I was left pondering the possibility of exploring new 'waters' (as it were).  Now my skin care routine is often very changeable and this is because the somewhat distressing truth about being fascinated with the beauty industry is the simple fact that it is very dynamic.  No sooner have I fallen in love with one 'miracle' innovation then another one is thrust into the spotlight - the wiley beauty industry is clever that way - hence loyalty in skin care is a very difficult thing to obtain and maintain.  But... my eye care routine has pretty much been the same for about 3 or 4 years and that is been devotedly in the arms of the above mentioned Clinique.  But as my belated tub was drawing to a close, I was feeling the stirrings of curiosity and shall we say; I felt I needed to break free, explore my independance and see if there was in fact an alternative product better suited to my 'needs'.  And so I present .... the short list....

5.  Burts Bees Intense Hydration Eye Cream $39.49

Burts Bees Intense Hydration Eye Cream $39.49

I quite like the Burt's Bees range - it is often very affordable, dermatologist tested and non comedogenic which means it's formulated in such a way so as not to block the pores of your skin.  And what does this eye cream profess to do - well firstly, it's intensely hydrating.  The clue is in the name on that one.  It will aid in diminishing fine lines and wrinkles and not only that it uses probiotic technology to do it.  Just as we need probiotics to keep our digestive systems ticking along nicely, so too does our skin need a certain supply of healthy bacteria which is responsible for maintaining the acidity on our dermal surface.  

4.  Ren Keep Young and Beautiful Anti-Aging Eye Cream $54.49

Ren Keep Young and Beautiful Eye Cream $54.49
This is a firming and replenishing eye cream which has some key ingredients.  Hexapeptide 11 for lifting and firming.  Hydroxyproline for plumping.  Ceramide for reinforcing the skins surface.  To name but a few...Like all Ren's products this eye cream is very natural, free from a variety of nasties like, parabens, sulphates, mineral oils...

3.  Dr Hauschka Regenerating Eye Cream $96.99

Dr Hauschka Regenerating Eye Cream $96.99

This one is definitely on the pricier end of the spectrum but I included it because I have only ever heard good things about this brand.  This cream is Ophthalmologically tested.  It contains a heap of a natural goodies - up to 9 plant oils which as well as obviously moisturising the eye area, aids in reducing those annoying fine lines and wrinkles, all whilst absorbing super quickly.

2.  Aromatherapy Associates Anti-Aging Rich Repair Eye Cream

Aromatherapy Associates Anti Aging Rich Repair Eye Cream $96.99
This particular one (also pricey I know, sorry) piqued my interest because it kept popping up on various beauty buy websites, and not only was it popping up as a product to try but because it was consistently a 'best seller'.  It has an intensive anti aging formula which nourishes, moisturises and optimises skin cell health.  And I have to admit with an ingredient list consisting of rose, frankincense, evening primrose, arctic strawberry (what is this arctic strawberry?) to name a few, I am certainly intrigued.  A quick scan of reviews reveals that people are saying the same thing - 'it actually works!'  And then they buy some more...this was a very tempting choice for me, but I do still stand by my end choice - and that is...

1.  Sunday Riley Start Over Active Eye Cream or as I like to call it 'It really does'.

Sunday Riley Start Over Active Eye Cream $115


Sunday Riley is a fabulous skin care brand and whilst it is expensive, you do get good value for money.  You actually receive double the standard amount of product you would normally get, so actually this is very comparable to the cost of my aforementioned Clinique (she types desperately - in an attempt to convince dear husband that this is actually a frugal decision on her behalf), in fact I have probably saved money (ahem).

 This is a nourishing eye cream that really does de puff and plump the fine lines around my eyes - the skin appears firmer and really does.  Ingredients include Vitamin C Ester - a photostable antioxidant formulation responsible for the brightening, Lutein to aid in the prevention of UV damage (but you should still always wear a sunscreen 30 Spf at least), liquorice, algae and another antioxidant called astaxanthin all play a part in this so far, very impressive product.  Reading reviews there have been complaints about the pump not being very effective if you are near the end of the bottle resulting in some scraping and some reviewers had a 'stinging' reaction after application.  For this reason I did get a sample from my local MEcca store to try it out before I forked out the money which is a worthwhile thing to do if you are investing (it's an investment dear husband, an investment) in any skin care product.

Hope you enjoyed reading and until next time!

Friday 17 July 2015

Insta-fashion? (with some preamble)

Since discovering Instagram, I have suddenly also discovered that I am consistently immersed in an innumerable quantity of enviable fashionista's wardrobes - and... (this is pret-ty big news folks) I attempted my first 'fashion selfie' the other day!...well maybe I am building it up a bit - I took a picture of my feet...

Cute huh?  Yup and am pretty sure I thought far too much about it - surely the masses aren't spending the good majority of an hour taking pictures of their feet from varying angles, heights - scrolling through filter after filter after filter... after filter...surely.  not?

(crickets sing simultaneously as a tumbleweed wafts past)


But to be fair, it did not take me long to jump aboard the Instagram train with great gutso - if you posted a picture of your morning 'cup of joe'  with a decorative floral arrangement along side you can bet your bottom dollar I have 'liked' it.  Any pic of Brighton floats through my 'discover' search engine, not only do I throw a flurry of 'likes' at it, I may even send a comment your way - something along the lines of 'I used to live here!!! smiley face, thumbs up' - in fact, I think it is safe to say that I am using the little 'like' heart symbol with complete and reckless abandon.  Whilst gleefully handing out 'likes' like an icecream mans hands out..well - icecreams, my mind is reluctantly drawn to the question - Is flicking through pictures on Instagram a somewhat crazy way to spend ones time?  Probably - my husband would say most definitely.  But it is strangely compelling and it is curiosity piquing - comparative I guess to Pinterest - you feel inspired by other peoples pictures, ideas, fashion, happy times... but with each frantic, scramble for that little red heart - a little part of me dies on the inside - because - do I really need another time wasting electronic activity?  The short answer is No - but, and let me tell you folks, this is a big 'but' - it's complex.

That warm, fuzzy feeling I get when a complete and utter stranger 'hearts' my picture - well it's pretty darn good.  Do I get that same feeling when my husband tells me that my hair looks nice today or when my sister once again gushes over my fabulousness (as she is often wont to do....guffaw) - well yes I do.  In fact one would have to question, what do I get from the 'feel good ' of Instagram that I can't get from my nearest and dearest?  Perhaps my hungry need to discover how to truly utilise the ever elusive-to-my-understanding-'hashtag' just can't be left untapped!  #Idon'tunderstandhashtags

But whether you love Instagram - or hate it - and let me just say, I continue to be intrigued by it and, will continue to fall into it's wanton embrace... you just can't go past some of the fabulous moments of fashion inspiration... which brings me (finally, I hear you gasp) to the following spectacular fashion moments courtesy of Instagram... @jollychic_official

This site has been a joint effort discovery via Instagram and facebook...thanks FB!

Turn Down Collar Lace Patchwork Midi Dress $34.86
I am a sucker for dresses (as my husband will faithfully attest to) - and I really love the collar look and colour!

Elegant white dress $38.89

I really love this dress, but not entirely sure I could pull this particular look off - I do have a looming sense that instead of looking effortlessly elegant and ethereal, I would appear more like an extra from Little House on the Prairie.  I will let you know - hey or Instagram it!

Mouth printing shirt $12.06
Can't go past some stylish casual tops...

Floral dress $83.17

Love the high O neck on this dress and I think the pattern is very pretty - feminine!

Old Navy courtesy of @liketoknowit

Star Print Chambray shift $32.80
Good summer shift!

Gap courtesy of @liketoknowit

1969 Chambray Shirt $47.99
I am all about the Chambray shirt of late, or any shirt for that matter - Gap do this fabulous one that caught my eye...

Rent the Runway courtesy of @liketoknowit

Red Ela Handbag $598
Now I can practically hear the sound of your collective eyebrow raise when you glance at the price of this gorgeous red leather studded clutch (with hidden chain) - but, hear me out...You could spend $600 buckaroos on this little number OR... for that very special occasion ... you can rent it!  $90 for 4 days - you can swish around town looking fabulous dar-rling!  

Sass & Bide 

Love Drunk wrap dress $290
Now I actually walked past this dress the other week in Myer and literally did a double take - I loved the style, the sash, that it's black - I could just imagine how chic I would appear (heh) once I was enveloped in the soft black folds of this suave little number - I immediately thought that 'here is a dress that I could wear effortlessly in 10 years time' - I sauntered over and checked the price tag and ...almost cried - for $790, it's original retail price - I would definitely need to be wearing this one in 10 years brain did a super quick run through of the all the various scenarios I could present to Dear Hubby to account for my absolute 'need' to have this number added to my wardrobe repertoire - but I have to say - I was finding it hard to rationalise the cost to myself, much less the guarder-of-all-things-financial - I mean - it's a great dress but $800?  So I took a deep breath, wiped away my tears and like a grown up girl - I walked away.  But, dear readers, the story does not end there - I walked past the above 'wonderful dress of all things kind and good' the other day and it had been .....(whispers) reduced.  Reduced!  Hallelujah!  It could be yet be mine - it's only...oh... $300!  And so, my brain is now, again entertaining the possibilities, but lets be honest - $290 is still a lot of money, but maybe one day, if my cunning plan to build my innocent little beauty blog into a multi million dollar empire comes to fruition - I'll buy it for myself! ....One day...maniacal laugh...maniacal laugh...MANIACAL LAUGH!

Until next time...

Crystelle xx or rather @crystellewaters (my alter ego in Insta-universe)

ps.  thanks for reading and remember - share if you enjoyed it!

Saturday 11 July 2015

Scent of a woman! Be inspired by 10 of my all time favourite perfumes...

“Odors have a power of persuasion stronger than that of words, appearances, emotions, or will. The persuasive power of an odor cannot be fended off, it enters into us like breath into our lungs, it fills us up, imbues us totally. There is no remedy for it.” 

The quote above is just one of the many fabulous lines taken from the book Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, written by Patrick Suskind - a somewhat dark exploration into our sense of smell and it's close connection with the emotional meaning that some aromas may carry.  And it is true - research has shown time and time again that memory and smell are intertwined and consequently, highly complex emotions and memories can be evoked by this one simple sensory cue.

Now I have many favourite 'smells' - coffee in the morning, mixed with the crisp scent of slightly burnt toast; old book smell - flashes me back instantly to my childhood where my sister and I spent many hours and days scouring the back room of our local library - boxes upon boxes of dusty, unsorted secondhand books.  And there is a particular smell which I only catch literally, a few days of a year - in that time between summer and autumn/winter - when the mornings are just becoming crisply cool, but the days still carry a degree of warmth - it's a mix of an almost wood smokey smell, with a dewy, fresh morning air - I don't know what it is, but I love it!

And whilst the aforementioned novel focuses on a perfume apprentice in 18th century France, who begins to stalk and murder virgins in his quest to find the 'perfect scent' - to a much lesser degree - that is...without the murder of virgins - I too, am on a continual quest to find the ultimate perfume for moi!  Read on for my own perfume journey and a bit of an insight into the memories that return when I catch a whiff of these alluring scents...


This was the very first perfume that I owned as a teenager and holds a very special place in my perfume memoirs, because it was a christmas present from my dad.  I must have been 14 or 15 when I received it and I remember feeling ever so 'grown up' to be the recipient of such a sophisticated present.  The fragrance itself was released in 1994 and was the result of a collaboration between Coty and a gentleman by the name of Maurice Roucel - a perfumer responsible for many notable scents including the DKNY Be Delicious range, a number of Guerlain fragrances and Roberto Cavelli to name but a few.  The scent had hints of gardenia, ylang ylang, jasmine and patchouli, but I also remember a vivid muskiness to it.  To compare to something more modern I am reminded of it when I smell Ghost by Ghost.  I loved the perfume so much and wished I had the sentimentality at the time  to have kept the bottle.

Live by J. Lo

Live by J. Lo $20.15

I remember buying this one to use as my daily work scent, it was relatively cheap and quite an easy to wear scent (orange blossomy/florally/sandalwood) but I always had so many compliments!  I was wearing this the night my now husband asked me out on our first date.  It was the age old story of nurse-meets-doctor-doctor-takes-nurses-very-special-work-scissors-and-announces-they-will-be-returned-if-she-accompanies-him-for-a-meal!  I had no choice - they were my 'very special work scissors' after all...

J'adore by Christian Dior

J'adore by Christian Dior from $99.00

J'adore was one of the first expensive perfumes that I purchased for myself - I was working and earning my own decent (compared to my pauperish student income - a nurses wage ain't nothing to write home about...) salary.   I wore this on and off for many years.  Another fruity-florally fragrance this scent has a distinct rose aroma, jasmine and blended with bergamot - such a sensual and sexy perfume I think.

Code by Giorgio Armani

Code by Giorgio Armani $99

I love this floral scent by Armani - a blend of jasmine and orange blossom it has that great combination of bitter and sweet aromas.  Is a modern and sexy fragrance... and memorable.  It came out in 2006 and that was the year that I met and started dating my husband.  Whenever I smell this now, I immediately have a vivid memory of attending our hospital ball together.  He was looking very dapper and debonair in his tux, I was looking gorgeous, I had had my hair and makeup done, and I had bought this perfume new that day for the occasion - I remember the noise and excitement and dancing and definitely the emotions.  That night was the first night my husband told me loved me.  (aawwww)

Allure by Chanel

Allure by Chanel $159

Fruity and floral again (hmm - I am sensing a theme here) this delicious scent also offers up an oriental element - and whilst is quite 'spicy' on first application, given time definitely evolves to a very alluring muskiness.  I first wore this scent to another hospital ball, but I love it so much I had to include it in my list.

Happiness by Clinique

Happy by Clinique $79

This one brings back memories of waiting for the number 5 Bus to take me to my new Real Estate job in Brighton - after I had relocated to the UK there was a delay for my nursing registration to be approved so I sought alternate employment - I worked for this particular agency for about 8 months and loved it - my duties were secretarial, so typing up dictations, filing etc - but it was so great to be doing something new - and it turns out I loved be a secretary!  One of my colleagues used to wear this scent and I fell in love with it and purchased some for myself - I remember wearing this when we had our first viewing of the flat which we would end up buying - good ole Tisbury Road!

Celebration of Happiness by Hugo Boss

Celebration of Happiness Hugo Boss $57

This I purchased for our wedding day - A limited edition perfume released in the Spring of 2010 (we got married in the May) it was a deliciously subtle composition of apple, peach, orange blossom, sandalwood with some overtones of vanilla and white flowers.

Euphoria by Calvin Klein

Euphoria by Calvin Klein $39.99

This has some fabulous notes of rose hip, japanese apple, green leaves, lotus, black orchid, red woods, black violet and amber.  I was wearing this a lot around the time I found out I was pregnant and throughout my pregnancy, which also happened to coincide with us selling our Tisbury Road Flat and buying our first house - fate often dictates to couples expecting a child - needed completely refurbishing.  When I smell this particular perfume many memories come flooding back...sitting on the bottom step in our hallway eating a bowl of cereals, from some sort of tupperware dish, because there was literally no where else to sit at that time in our house - there was dust and rubble everywhere, no flooring; I also am reminded of wall papering and painting in my 8th month of pregnancy - in fact I had just finished painting our living room walls the weekend before baby arrived (on her bloody due date no less which oddly took us quite by surprise, babies aren't supposed to arrive on their due date!- we thought we would have another weekend at least to prepare).

For Her by Narcisso Rodrigeuz

For Her by Narciso Rodriguez

This has a very particular very subtle scent which I fell in love with the instant the aromas hit my olfactory groove!  Floral blended with a woodiness creates a very pleasing musky smell.  Memories of Brighton when I smell this...

Elie Saab

Elie Saab $96.63

This is a recent one that I have fallen in love with but it's orange blossom and jasmine undertones are addictive and is on my new top favourite scent to wear list - and a special mention has to go to Giorgio Armani's Si which I purchased last week.

 I have received a compliment every time I have worn it so far so this one is definitely fast becoming a favourite.

There are so many more favourites that if I listed them all would have made this post far too long and boring for even the most genial readers to endure, so I did restrain myself.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and found some inspiration.

Until next time...

Crystelle xx