Cute huh? Yup and am pretty sure I thought far too much about it - surely the masses aren't spending the good majority of an hour taking pictures of their feet from varying angles, heights - scrolling through filter after filter after filter... after filter...surely. not?
(crickets sing simultaneously as a tumbleweed wafts past)
But to be fair, it did not take me long to jump aboard the Instagram train with great gutso - if you posted a picture of your morning 'cup of joe' with a decorative floral arrangement along side you can bet your bottom dollar I have 'liked' it. Any pic of Brighton floats through my 'discover' search engine, not only do I throw a flurry of 'likes' at it, I may even send a comment your way - something along the lines of 'I used to live here!!! smiley face, thumbs up' - in fact, I think it is safe to say that I am using the little 'like' heart symbol with complete and reckless abandon. Whilst gleefully handing out 'likes' like an icecream mans hands out..well - icecreams, my mind is reluctantly drawn to the question - Is flicking through pictures on Instagram a somewhat crazy way to spend ones time? Probably - my husband would say most definitely. But it is strangely compelling and it is curiosity piquing - comparative I guess to Pinterest - you feel inspired by other peoples pictures, ideas, fashion, happy times... but with each frantic, scramble for that little red heart - a little part of me dies on the inside - because - do I really need another time wasting electronic activity? The short answer is No - but, and let me tell you folks, this is a big 'but' - it's complex.
That warm, fuzzy feeling I get when a complete and utter stranger 'hearts' my picture - well it's pretty darn good. Do I get that same feeling when my husband tells me that my hair looks nice today or when my sister once again gushes over my fabulousness (as she is often wont to do....guffaw) - well yes I do. In fact one would have to question, what do I get from the 'feel good ' of Instagram that I can't get from my nearest and dearest? Perhaps my hungry need to discover how to truly utilise the ever elusive-to-my-understanding-'hashtag' just can't be left untapped! #Idon'tunderstandhashtags
But whether you love Instagram - or hate it - and let me just say, I continue to be intrigued by it and, will continue to fall into it's wanton embrace... you just can't go past some of the fabulous moments of fashion inspiration... which brings me (finally, I hear you gasp) to the following spectacular fashion moments courtesy of Instagram... @jollychic_official
This site has been a joint effort discovery via Instagram and facebook...thanks FB!
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Turn Down Collar Lace Patchwork Midi Dress $34.86 |
I am a sucker for dresses (as my husband will faithfully attest to) - and I really love the collar look and colour!
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Elegant white dress $38.89 |
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Mouth printing shirt $12.06 |
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Floral dress $83.17 |
Love the high O neck on this dress and I think the pattern is very pretty - feminine!
Old Navy courtesy of @liketoknowit
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Star Print Chambray shift $32.80 |
Good summer shift!
Gap courtesy of @liketoknowit
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1969 Chambray Shirt $47.99 |
I am all about the Chambray shirt of late, or any shirt for that matter - Gap do this fabulous one that caught my eye...
Rent the Runway courtesy of @liketoknowit
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Red Ela Handbag $598 |
Now I can practically hear the sound of your collective eyebrow raise when you glance at the price of this gorgeous red leather studded clutch (with hidden chain) - but, hear me out...You could spend $600 buckaroos on this little number OR... for that very special occasion ... you can rent it! $90 for 4 days - you can swish around town looking fabulous dar-rling!
Sass & Bide
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Love Drunk wrap dress $290 |
Now I actually walked past this dress the other week in Myer and literally did a double take - I loved the style, the sash, that it's black - I could just imagine how chic I would appear (heh) once I was enveloped in the soft black folds of this suave little number - I immediately thought that 'here is a dress that I could wear effortlessly in 10 years time' - I sauntered over and checked the price tag and ...almost cried - for $790, it's original retail price - I would definitely need to be wearing this one in 10 years brain did a super quick run through of the all the various scenarios I could present to Dear Hubby to account for my absolute 'need' to have this number added to my wardrobe repertoire - but I have to say - I was finding it hard to rationalise the cost to myself, much less the guarder-of-all-things-financial - I mean - it's a great dress but $800? So I took a deep breath, wiped away my tears and like a grown up girl - I walked away. But, dear readers, the story does not end there - I walked past the above 'wonderful dress of all things kind and good' the other day and it had been .....(whispers) reduced. Reduced! Hallelujah! It could be yet be mine - it's only...oh... $300! And so, my brain is now, again entertaining the possibilities, but lets be honest - $290 is still a lot of money, but maybe one day, if my cunning plan to build my innocent little beauty blog into a multi million dollar empire comes to fruition - I'll buy it for myself! ....One day...maniacal laugh...maniacal laugh...MANIACAL LAUGH!
Until next time...
Crystelle xx or rather @crystellewaters (my alter ego in Insta-universe)
ps. thanks for reading and remember - share if you enjoyed it!
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