Monday, 20 April 2015

Game of Chromes!

What does a gal do on a very rainy holiday in Sydney...other than the museum and sea life aquarium?

Well, it turns out not much... Am still convincing husband that shopping would be a marvellous way to wile away several rainy hours...

So in an attempt to brighten up the very grey and gloomy weather that has descended upon us in Sydney.. (And in honor of the new season of Game of Thrones...he hee...) I have decorated my nails with some sparkle!

I am not normally one for glittery nail polish but Sally Hansen has this fabulous gold, glittery shade called... Wait for it...Game of Chromes! The name alone has immediately resulted in a loyal fan status from moi!

This colour is part of the Sally Hansen Miracle Gel range with a two step process where you get 'Gel' results without use of a UV light!  I have been using this product for a couple of months now and I have to say it is pretty impressive!  My nails will look pretty immaculate for at least a week and a half.. But once I get my first chip it does seem to be downhill from there!  But a great improvement on standard formulas where I was getting chips sometimes the same day as application! 

There are some other great colours in this range and a point of note, I have been using the Sally Hansen Top Coat over some Revlon Gel polish that I purchased and it seems to work just as effectively! 

Thanks for reading and more from me soon!

Crystelle xx

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